Rope Rescue Awareness
This 8 hour course gives Emergency Responders an overview of Rope Rescue operations. Topics include the NFPA Standards on Rope Rescue, the hazards associated with Rope Rescue situations and how to avoid them, site control and scene management, implementation of a Rope Rescue Team response, Rope Rescue equipment, and introduction to knots for Rope Rescue support personnel. This course meets NFPA 1006 & 1670 standards governing awareness level rope rescue operations.
Rope Rescue Operations
This 40-hour course teaches personnel how to safely conduct basic Rope Rescue operations. This course focuses on site control and scene management,various knots, hardware, auxiliary equipment, edge protection procedures, single and multi point anchor systems, belay systems, ascending and descending a rope, self rescues, raising and lowering systems, pick-offs, litters systems, victim packaging, personal protective equipment, rope care and maintenance. This course meets NFPA 1006 & 1670 standards governing operations level Rope Rescue operations.
Rope Rescue Technician
This 50-hour course teaches personnel how to safely conduct advanced Rope Rescue operations. This course focuses on site control and scene management,various knots, hardware, auxiliary equipment, edge protection procedures, single and multi point anchor systems, belay systems, ascending and descending a rope, self rescues, raising and lowering systems, edge negotiation, pick-offs, litter systems, victim packaging, mechanical advantage (MA) systems, MA principles, rope physics, high point pulley systems, converting lowering systems into hauling systems, converting hauling systems into lowering systems, knot passing systems, high line systems, training in risk/benefit analysis, equipment selection and maintenance, personal protective equipment, rope care and maintenance This course meets NFPA 1006 & 1670 standards governing Technician level rope rescue operations.
High Angle/Rope Rescue refresher training
We also offer annual refresher training to keep teams in practice and up to date on the latest technology, skills, and equipment.
Our courses are designed for intensive hands on training with a minimum amount of classroom time. We can provide some or all of the equipment needed for the training or use your equipment, as long as it is compliant with national standards and regulations. Please feel free to contact us for a quote or questions.